Do not go out and buy a fogless shower mirror before you read this article in its entirety. Take some time to go through the write up and you will be over the moon as you discover some important issues to take into consideration when shopping for this product. Look at it this way, if knowledge is power, then after you have finished this article, you will be feel like Mighty Man when this subject is brought up in casual conversation.
Are you looking for the best option for doing away with fog on your shower mirror? then you must be like me because one thing I hate is a foggy shower mirror especially if you want to get a clean and close shave or as a woman you want to apply skin treatments as soon as you take a hot shower. Experts say, it is advisable to do this after taking a bath whilst the skin is still soft and mist. If you try to do this and you have a fog filled bathroom then the process can be really unpleasant.
The good news is, there are is an answer to your issue. You can now buy a condensation free shower mirror or what is called a fog free that you can use after your shower. This means you would not have to open the door or window to clear the steam every time you want to do your thing. These condensation-free shower mirrors allow for grooming in steamy bathrooms. You can mount them against a surface of a wall mirror or stall in your bath. Most of these come with a hanger for a shaver. Other than these functional advantages of this product, most of them can be used a decorative item to bring a lasting impression to your bathroom.
When you are out an about trying to find the best shower mirror, there are a few considerations to make. For example, Try to avoid mirrors that have a nature of easily picking up oils or grease from the air.
Avoid buying one that will cause you grief when trying to clean it. Simply buy one that can be cleaned with a window cleaner or mild soap and warm water at best. Determine the size that will suite you well and also one that will fit well with your bath accessories. For example, whilst a 2x magnification shower mirror is recommended, I recommend a slightly bigger one like one with a 7x magnification for seeing up close and ensure a perfect shave or make-up.
You can, however, buy an oval mirror to get a good reflection. Seek out one that has solid brass fasteners, suction cup which slides for horizontal or vertical mounting and most importantly, make sure that it mounts on a flat and smooth surface like metal, glass, tile and fiberglass. You can try the Z'Fogless Ultra II Bathroom Mirror manufactured by Zedro or the lighted one with a Razor holder and clock. This latter one is good for helping you achieve the cleanest skin treatment or shave without having to turn off your shower.
You should also check out the ClearMirror, which provides a ground breaking way of installing a condensation free mirror in the shower. It basically has a low voltage heating pad that enables it to save on electricity. You can buy the different options of this mirror from $220 to $300.
There are many other fogless shower mirror brands you can buy through the internet. Do not be coerced into buying if you still feel unsure about your choice.
Shower mirror is most effective part of shower. For time saving purposes it's needed to finish the bathroom task more faster. But showering and grooming places are different, so how can it possible to finish fast. The modern solution is Fogless Shower Mirror, but not all are same to utilize. Go for the long time fog free mirror and do all in one place.
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